


ref: 非常详细的PhD论文 by Hudson Smith: arXiv:1611.05412, 一些具体计算: arXiv:1608.06966, and some optical Feshbach example: EIT case: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 075301 , Spatial control: Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 155301


这是我在一个腔QED中的多体物理会上听到的,吐槽一下这种会实在是太厉害了,国内的工作者最缺的就是这种 高水平 的交流。ref: some online works arXiv:1704.05803, arXiv:1609.09053, and one under preparation works. 具体的我是想通过研究更多的order parameters或更复杂的configurations来看对称性破却这件事。


ref: EIT, specific theoretical model, a good review Strongly interacting photons in one-dimensional continuum, and some recent works: Symmetry-protected collisions, three photon bound state

WGM cQED with quantum atoms


Long range interaction in cold atomic system

ref: 一些Kimble组 & Hung组做的工作,spin dynamics, Photonics crystal, Nature Photonics 9, 326–331

Many-body Localization的一些物理性质,包括但不限于非平衡态统计性质等

ref: 初学者文章,识别MBL Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 107204 and free access at: arXiv:1403.1568, 数值方法 DMRG-X Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 247204 and free access at: arXiv:1509.00483. Recent works: arXiv:1702.02771, arXiv:1611.06238

Spin squeezing (暂无想法)

ref: feedback squeezing, Phys. Rev. A 81, 021804(R), New setup: vacuum spin squeezing

Majorana mode in interacting Kitaev chain


Floquet topological insulator