
The Shen Yang incident's unexpected influence on multiple on record PKU students is still exaggerating. Known victims include Yuhao Deng, Xin Yue and Zhenlin Zhang. Mr. Deng is the first person who tried to use legitimated way to track record of judgment of former professor Yang Shen, and Ms. Yue is one of the first eight students who tried to evacuate Mr. Deng after being illegally interviewed, or in a more realistic narrative, being jailed, from 11pm to around morning next day. Ms. Yue now faces serious threaten from department and school that she might not be able to successfully graduate even though already achieve enough credits, just due to her so-called unnecessary involvement in this issue. Based on untrustworthy notifying from school, Ms. Yue's parent thought the fault might be mainly from her part and therefore had some sharp conflicts that may cause unrecoverable breaking up. Mr. Zhang posted on BBS about the conversation content of a conference at April 16, which is about anti sexual harassment. He also had some unusual conversation from his department, including very intriguing hostile implications.

This is a very dangerous signal, marking the university has unexpected power of control students, even higher than laws and policies.

与学生有关的其他重要事项应当向本校学生公开。 《北京大学校务公开实施办法》第二条第二款第八项

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DISCLAIMER: This is my personal opinion that is not in any way endorsed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as such.

Zeyang Li Last modified 2/19/08.